Weather is VW Heaven Almost Everywhere This Time of year

My wife and I are so lucky to be beyond the years we need to work all of the time and now we can pretty much do what we want when we want. We have a goal to drive our bus a minimum of 50 miles per day. The drawback this time of year, of course, is the afternoon winds that seem to appear out of nowhere. Our ’68 Bay does not like that 30-40 mph stuff and makes the driving a nerve racking endeavor instead of a chill-out cruise.

All you Dubbers who still hold down jobs……out hats off to you. I remember when having any free time was tough to come by with obligations in every aspect of life. My advice….get comfortable, safe seats and use them as soccer mom-dad-mobiles. Never miss an opportunity to cruise. Take my word for it the time wills hoot on by and you can never really make up for a missed opportunity. More always come along but don’t think your days are un-numbered.

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